Mailmark and Mailmark extra Saving you money on your postage spend
Simple, accurate, fast

Discounts and new services from Royal Mail with Mailmark and an extra 1 p off of every
letter with Mailmark extra exclusively from FP. Mailmark and Mailmark extra for franking is
available giving you the opportunity to have mare professional looking mail and making it
easier for you to stay on the best value franking tariff at all times.

Mailmark at a glance
Incredible savings over stamps
Save on every letter you send
New generation franking machines
Franking manufacturers have developed a new generation of franking
machines to help bring you more choice, the best value price and the
opportunity to promote your brand through your franked mail. We will let you
know if Mailmark is right for you, of course you may not need to change,
SMART franking may still be better for your business, our team will guide you
through the process and even audit your mail costs to help you decide.

Latest technology indicia
Royal Mail have developed a 2d barcode indicia which allows Mailmark
franking machine users to benefit immediately with regards to costs, saving up
to 34% on their postage costs as well as FPS Mailmark extra saving you a
further Ip on every letter you send We can guide you through the latest Royal
Mail technology and recommend a franking system to suit any sized business
from small eBayers to large Public Sector organisations.